Saturday, December 12, 2009

Use and earn money is one of the world's best sites, I think. I can easily spend many hours at

If you want for example. to create a website,  just searching for "website". then you'll get many different videos about how to create websites.

You can also promote affiliate programs and products by creating videos and uploading them.

You can watch videos about search engine optimization, or even make one about it.

So it is possible to earn money by using

And the best part is that it is free. All you have to do is join.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Earn money at Partner-ads

I already got an answer from them half an hour after I had written to them. I call that good customer service!

I  have registered my blogs to Partner-ads now.

Partner-ads are the Danish affiliatenetværk with the largest number of affiliate programs. There is about 250 to choose from and they are divided into many different categories. It is rare that a site will be rejected by the advertiser.

They also have something that is really smart!

It is the banner rotation: With a banner rotation you can show multiple banners at the same place on your website. The banner rotation that switches between the banners you insert into it, and you can decide how much a banner to appear Entertainment other banners by entering a percentage. What you have to give it a name, disc height and width of the banner size you want to use. And you can create multiple bannerrotationer.

They provide a welcome bonus of DKK 10

Minimum payout is DKK 150 excluding VAT via clicks, leads and sales. Disbursement you get the first working day of each month.
